Moving forward at speed… Wonderful UK-AUS coproduction big budget script, that has a marketability factor of 5 STARS – that is a BOX OFFICE HIT.. I absolutely love this project and I make it as obviously evident to everyone I would like involved in the project. It comes with benefits. Awesome benefits. Production in England and Wales, potential post in Australia and international sales with merchandising. Sounds attractive, right. This is why I am excited.. Bring it on! This is the easiest deal in the world – because I love it..And it will be a box office hit..!
Now, we have secured partners in Sydney, London and Asia – with many announcements coming shortly.
And yes, Stevan, I will Thank You in the Oscars speech, and let you guard the Oscar!
Working 7 days to make it happen.. Yoga every day (no matter how painful or relaxing)..
So, keep watching this space!
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Making movies.. Clareski