Haven’t written in such a long time, so I’m taking 5 to do so now.
Lots has changed since I started the venture, seriously – taking on a tv production to the slate – which has amazing international appeal, creating fruitful strategic partnerships, meeting new and exceptional switched on and savvy business people, and getting more discerning everyday, in a good way.
They told me it was hard, but I didn’t believe them. I think it’s a matter of perspective. Although I have moments. Investors say things, they change their minds, they change their schedules but rest assured, they always want to be included in the fun, glamour and glory. Well, life, like business, is a matter of give and take, and those that give, will also be free to partake in the rewards, it’s no one way street, and that is the simple fact of the exchange of value, it goes both ways – always.
So, with the new plans for the venture – we are focused on one tv project pilot production, and 2 features. It’s exciting. We already have the most wonderful talent in the world working with us, and we are growing every day. Here’s to the next Disney!
The TV show is going off! We have our 3 confirmed hosts, all with their expertise and entertaining personalities… They are awesome! We also have the plan for distribution, and the market is awesome and extremely commercially viable. I am excited and as Brendon Jones (Jonesy) said ‘I’m pumped!!!’… So this is exciting.. Can’t wait to location shoot, which I am planning over the next 2 months, which I will be writing about. The trials and tribulations.
I’ve also trained 2 new staff this week, secured a sydney partner, in negotiations with an alternative capital fund in Brisbane, and working with a fund in Sydney for the long-term partnership for capital raising.
On a more serious personal note, a few weeks ago I read an article in the AFR (Australian Financial Review), that shocked me. Not because I’m a woman, but because I didn’t know, and simply do not want to support the facts that this financial editorial piece revealed. Of all VC funds in Australia, women only receive 3%. 3%. 3% – what the? A mere 3% to women lead ventures of 100% of all VC funds? What is that about? That is completely negligible. Surely we have more than 3% women offerings out there for VC funding? What is that figure, if anyone knows, please contact me, I’m intrigued as to HOW we can support such an underwhelming incentive for women to be entreprenueral and successful in their own ventures. I couldn’t believe it. I simply couldn’t, because maybe I’ve been blessed with working in banking and property, which are primarily male dominated industries, or maybe I have so many male strategic partners in fundraising that I hardly noticed, and when I mentioned this fact to my male colleagues, some VC’s as well, they didn’t know this underwhelming fact either. I know they would be more than willing to support a good deal, whether it was lead by a male or a female – or at least, I’d like to think so. That is another reason to become more discerning these days while on the growth path. Then again, when it comes to VC space, you have to believe in the vision and the entreprenuer, and be able to flexibily change the plan for best success, so is it the deals the women are presenting, the belief in women or prejudices of the male VC’s – which would indicate a ‘boys club demeanor’, or something else. Also, I’d be interested to know how many women VC’s there are out there? I’ll do some research and let you know what I find, as this has to change.
I have to remind myself at moments, that this is extremely fun and I am exceptionally lucky.. and it was easy to do two Fridays ago, when I had a moment. I was lucky enough to have some support and a friend cupped my face in both of his very large hands, looked straight into my eyes and said ‘you are stronger than this’ and I believed him, and so I was. (I won’t tell you the advice he gave me 5 mins prior that recieved my honest two word answer that he laughed at). He is now getting an invite to every red carpet, party and event I’m ever arranging for those simple words. That is the kind of team you want around you, when you start, when you grow and when you succeed. Remember that. Those are the moments that do make you, who you become.